If you've ever watched a TV show or movie and thought, "Gee, I wish I knew where that was filmed" or "I sure wish I could live vicariously through someone traveling across the country to visit those places," then this is the site for you! Join me as I go from New York to California and all the states in between to see what regular streets look like when Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts aren't standing on top of them.

Follow me on Instagram! And Twitter!


9/17/2021 - Since having to update this site from its old format, I haven't been able to make any of the TV and movie links to go where they're supposed to. Still working on it! Bear with me! (And if there's a tech wizard who wants to reach out and tell me what the heck to do, that'd be great!


Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Email here: lori@tvtravelswithlori.com!